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Resources for Professionals

Resources for Professionals

This page provides tools and resources for social workers to assist with providing care to dialysis patients. It contains important links with information to improve the quality of care given to patients.

Grievance Process

Involuntary Discharge

The involuntary discharge of patients should be rare and preceded by efforts to address the problem. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and ESRD Networks have specific guidelines for involuntary discharges. Please review the involuntary discharge general guidelines and guide to completing the involuntary discharge process as this will assist you with providing the necessary paperwork to Network 8.

Click here to view the Involuntary Discharge General Guidelines.

Click here to view the Involuntary Discharge Guide.

Click here to view the Network 8 Involuntary Discharge Expectations.

Click here to view the Network 8 Medical Review Position Statement on Involuntary Disharges.

Click here to view the CfCs for Involuntary Discharges.

CAHPS In-Center Hemodialysis Survey 

In November 2006, the CAHPS Consortium, in cooperation with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), released the CAHPS In-Center Hemodialysis Survey for public use. This standardized questionnaire was designed to help dialysis facilities and ESRD Networks assess and improve the experiences of their patients with in-center hemodialysis.

The instrument is available in a Kit that can be downloaded from the CAHPS Web site: (Link opens in a new browser.)

Up-to-date ICH CAHPS news and announcements can be found here.

CMS Telehealth Toolkit

CMS has broadened access to Medicare telehealth services so that beneficiaries can receive a wider range of services from their doctors without having to travel to a healthcare facility. CMS is expanding this benefit on a temporary and emergency basis under the 1135 waiver authority and Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act. Under this new waiver, Medicare can pay for office, hospital, and other visits furnished via telehealth across the country and including in patient’s places of residence starting March 6, 2020. A range of providers, such as doctors, nurse practitioners, clinical psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers, will be able to offer telehealth to their patients. These benefits are part of the broader effort by CMS and the White House Task Force to ensure that all Americans – particularly those at high-risk of complications from the virus that causes the disease COVID-19 are aware of easy-to-use, accessible benefits that can help keep them healthy while helping to contain the community spread of this virus.

You can find the End-Stage Renal Disease Providers Toolkit Here: