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Emergency Preparedness Resources

In the Event of a Current Disaster or Emergency

Some of the following links will only be active during the event of an actual emergency.

Facility Open/Closed Status During Emergencies - For an on-line listing of the "open" and "closed" status of facilities in an impacted area, the services they provide, and a map to assist in locating the nearest facility, visit (Link will open in a new browser)

Transplant Assistance - For assistance related to a transplanted kidney, contact the United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) (patient services) at 1-888-894-6361 or (Link opens in a new browser)

Comprehensive Listing of Tools and Resources - For information on how to obtain service or assistance you need, call 1-888-33KIDNEY, or go to (Link opens in a new browser)

End Stage Renal Disease Toll Free Phone Numbers

Davita - Patient Hotline 1-800-400-8331
DCI - Patient Transient Assistance 1-866-424-1990
FMCNA - Patient Hotline 1-800-626-1297
USRC - Patient Hotline 1-866-671-8772
ESRD Networks
Network 6 (Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina) 1-800-524-7139
Network 7 (Florida) 1-800-826-3773
Network 8 (Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee) 1-877-936-9260
Network 13 (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma) 1-800-472-8664
Network 14 (Texas) 1-877-866-4435

Emergency Management Agencies

The following links will open in a new browser and take you directly to the emergency management agency websites.

Emergency Preparedness Documents

The following documents can help you prepare for emergencies. Each link will open in a new browser.

Preparing for Emergencies: A Guide for People on Dialysis - Each new dialysis patient receives a copy of this helpful booklet, which contains information on gathering and carrying important medical information, making alternative arrangements for treatment, and what diet to follow if dialysis must be delayed during an emergency. Published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

Planning for Natural Disasters and Other Types of Emergencies - (2.3 MB PDF opens in new window) This National Kidney Foundation publication is a guide for both dialysis facilities and patients preparing for emergencies.

Helpful Websites

The following websites can help you in the event of an emergency. Each link will open in a new browser.